I think looking at a different perspective really brings a better understanding about the whole situation. I like how this response clearly emphasizes that there's a time and place for certain attire. I do agree that the certain clothing the author desires to wear at school isn't just being outlawed for negative attention-drawing purposes. It is to teach us how to be (semi)professional. I believe the dress code is trying to teach us as young adults (and even young men) to have common sense in our wardrobe. If we try to get a somewhat professional job, or any job at all, and we are dressed in ways that break Blue Valley's dress code, there's a problem. I'd rather learn proper dress code here at school by an unknown teacher asking me to cover up than by not getting a job after an interview in which I wore clothing deemed as inappropriate for the real, professional world. Besides, BV's dress code isn't one that is hard to follow. It should be common sense that what's inappropriate is labeled as inappropriate. There is a lack of common sense now that the administrators and school staff feel as if it is necessary to lay out these guidelines, which I do agree with. I still feel as though the reasons they give for the dress code enforcement at BV doesn't provide ample reasoning to the students as to why they can or cannot wear.

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