The following article was in the September issue of The Tiger Print. Read the article (even if you already have) and respond to it below. What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Consider all perspectives of the article while you respond.
This is a very interesting article. I agree with most of it, but definitely not all of it. Girls shouldn't have to be told what they can and can't wear. They should have good enough judgement to know that if their "bits and pieces" are showing, that they obviously need to wear something else. It's all about judgement calls. She's right in saying that teachers shouldn't make such snappy comments at the students, and we shouldn't have to worry about what an administrator is gonna say when walking past us workin our high-waisted shorts. This wouldn't be a problem if girls would realize how much of their body they are showing off. Administrators want to pull their hair out when they see young women wearing something that is so obviously screaming for a boys attention because, let's face it, most of the girls who break the dress code rules are doing exactly that. Girls should have good enough judgement not to have to be told what they can and can't wear. Due to the fact that our society is decreasing in good judgement and our latest fashion trends promote this, girls do sometimes need boundaries to their school attire. The thumb rule is a bit unnecessary and is a tad flexible. If your arms are long, sure the rule is unfair. In cases like these this rule can be flexible. If your shorts are barely covering your cheeks, then yes. Buy longer shorts. They're just trying as hard as they can to teach us young women to dress like we have some reserve and respect for our bodies. So if you don't think you dress inappropriately for school, then your find. Most girls should know if how they're dressing is appropriate for school. If you have to question if a teacher will comment on your lack of clothing, simply don't wear it to school if you don't want to hear it. Boys do need to learn how to control themselves in the real world, so these rules aren't teaching them that they need self-control too. There won't be an "evil ELA teacher" to walk you by the hand and cover your eyes when you see a girl walking around college campus wearing a spaghetti strapped shirt. In the real world, girls won't be told if boys will be "distracted" by their outfit and that they need to change. It certainly isn't fair that whats trending for the ladies isn't allowed at school, while the boys barely have any regulations what-so-ever. This issue calls for better judgement on both parties, not just the girls or the administrators.