Email is basically a more formal way to text. I personally don't use email on a daily basis, but it does come in handy in some cases, such as contacting a teacher, an employer, a college or university, etc. People use email either to formally discuss something, or to advertise something. Email subscriptions to stores I like are life savers. I love getting notices about upcoming sales and such, but other than that, I rarely even check my email. I also hate junkmail and spam mail. They're probably the most irritating things ever. Email etiquette is the way an email should be formatted or worded. It is kind of the "norm" for how you email. One usually doesn't say "Hey what's up? yeah I'm just hangin out n stuff," in an email. Email Etiquette usually involves a greeting in the beginning such as "dear" or a "hello," and usually ends with a "thank you," or "sincerely." Emails should not include any grammatical errors and should always be appropriate and proper. These are just a few components of Email Etiquette.

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