What are you doing for Thanksgiving? Do you have any traditions? Go in to detail about your plans for the 5 day weekend.
This year we're doing things a little different. Since we moved here about three years ago, we've started figuring out what traditions we're going to start for Thanksgiving. We used to just have a nuclear family celebration, so just my siblings and parents, because we lived so far away from the rest of my family. Well now that we're a lot closer to my grandparents and cousins, we started alternating whose house we have Thanksgiving dinner at and what we do for Thanksgiving. This year, it's my grandparents from my mom's side's turn to host Thanksgiving, so we're going to Branson, MO, for a few days and we'll probably go to Silver Dollar City for a little bit. It'll be really crowded from all of the vacationers, but we'll go anyways. We go to Branson frequently, especially when it's warm because my grandparents live right on Table Rock Lake, but the only times we ever go to Silver Dollar City is in the winter when it's freezing cold outside for whatever reason. I'm excited to go back to SDC because if we didn't, we would probably go to another comedy show that they have on the strip, and we don't really think they're that funny. In fact, I don't even know why we keep going to these shows because we all pretty much hate them. So it'll be good to shake things up a little this year!