I don't think our classes today are actually preparing us for college, let alone life after college. It is important to learn about history and government, computers and such, but even math at times can be questionable. When in my future career as a social worker will I have to graph a parabola with a vertical stretch of 2 and a 3 unit shift to the right? These classes I'm in now seem to be pointless. I know I'll need it in college, but after college I won't (hallelujah for that.) This is just one example of how these high school courses aren't preparing us for the real world. Classes that would prepare us for life would be more focused on maybe how to file your taxes, how mortgages work, how many diapers you should buy on a weekly basis when you give birth to triplets, etc. These are some pretty weak examples of things we'll have to know in the real world, but will only figure out when the time comes. The courses in college will hopefully aim more specifically towards career paths. I hope to take courses regarding psychology, human development, how to handle emergencies and crisis, how to help during a grieving period, etc. In class, we would study specific scenarios that would help us handle other situations that are similar.
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