Wednesday, October 29, 2014

October 29, 2014

What do you know about photography and/or photo editing? Do you take photos? How do you take photos? Do you edit photos before posting them on social media? How do you edit them? Explain any background or knowledge you have about photography and photo editing. Do you like it? Do you have any interest?

I actually have a really nice Nikon DSL camera that my Grandpa has had for a really long time. He finally got a new one and gave me his old one for an early graduation present. I am currently trying to figure out how to do everything, because I really enjoy taking pictures. I like playing with focus and blurring, but I'm no expert. Honestly I kinda suck, but I still think it's fun! For instagram, I usually don't add filters or anything, but I do square them like every other basic instagrammer to get the white borders around my pictures, and also to make it square enough to actually be able to post. I wish I had more time to do photography so I could call it a hobby of mine, but I've honestly taken pictures with that camera maybe only a dozen times. I really enjoy it, but like I said- I'm not very good at it!


Monday, October 20, 2014

October 20, 2014

Tell me about your weekend. Share pics!

This weekend was really busy. I spent all day Sunday doing homework and going to church, Saturday I took my senior pictures and babysat right after until 1 am, and then Friday I went to see the rep show that my friends were in. It was a pretty good show! I thought it was really funny. After the show, my friends and I went to sonic and then target to get some face masks and cucumbers to have a "spa night," aka me just throwing cucumbers in everyone's faces. I really hate cucumbers so of course they threw them back at me. I was only there for a couple hours, but I had a lot of fun. After church on Sunday night, I also went to Petland with some friends to play with the bunnies. As you probably noticed, it was my first social outing pretty much since homecoming. I haven't had any free time to hang out with my friends because of homework and babysitting. I enjoyed my hectic weekend, but I wish it would've been longer like Olathe's. Olathe school district had a half day after the PSAT/P-ACT, no school Thursday through today. We do have this Friday off, though, which great.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 14, 2014

Below is a letter written to the editor who wrote the article 'Enforcement of dress code creates negative effect' that your blogged about last week. Most of you wrote on your blog that you agreed with the writer. What are your thoughts after reading the letter below and seeing a different perspective. Are they the same? Are the different? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.

I think looking at a different perspective really brings a better understanding about the whole situation. I like how this response clearly emphasizes that there's a time and place for certain attire. I do agree that the certain clothing the author desires to wear at school isn't just being outlawed for negative attention-drawing purposes. It is to teach us how to be (semi)professional. I believe the dress code is trying to teach us as young adults (and even young men) to have common sense in our wardrobe. If we try to get a somewhat professional job, or any job at all, and we are dressed in ways that break Blue Valley's dress code, there's a problem. I'd rather learn proper dress code here at school by an unknown teacher asking me to cover up than by not getting a job after an interview in which I wore clothing deemed as inappropriate for the real, professional world. Besides, BV's dress code isn't one that is hard to follow. It should be common sense that what's inappropriate is labeled as inappropriate. There is a lack of common sense now that the administrators and school staff feel as if it is necessary to lay out these guidelines, which I do agree with. I still feel as though the reasons they give for the dress code enforcement at BV doesn't provide ample reasoning to the students as to why they can or cannot wear.

Monday, October 13, 2014

October 13, 2014

I don't think our classes today are actually preparing us for college, let alone life after college. It is important to learn about history and government, computers and such, but even math at times can be questionable. When in my future career as a social worker will I have to graph a parabola with a vertical stretch of 2 and a 3 unit shift to the right? These classes I'm in now seem to be pointless. I know I'll need it in college, but after college I won't (hallelujah for that.) This is just one example of how these high school courses aren't preparing us for the real world. Classes that would prepare us for life would be more focused on maybe how to file your taxes, how mortgages work, how many diapers you should buy on a weekly basis when you give birth to triplets, etc. These are some pretty weak examples of things we'll have to know in the real world, but will only figure out when the time comes. The courses in college will hopefully aim more specifically towards career paths. I hope to take courses regarding psychology, human development, how to handle emergencies and crisis, how to help during a grieving period, etc. In class, we would study specific scenarios that would help us handle other situations that are similar. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014



October 7, 2014

The following article was in the September issue of The Tiger Print. Read the article (even if you already have) and respond to it below. What do you think? Do you agree? Disagree? Consider all perspectives of the article while you respond.

This is a very interesting article. I agree with most of it, but definitely not all of it. Girls shouldn't have to be told what they can and can't wear. They should have good enough judgement to know that if their "bits and pieces" are showing, that they obviously need to wear something else. It's all about judgement calls. She's right in saying that teachers shouldn't make such snappy comments at the students, and we shouldn't have to worry about what an administrator is gonna say when walking past us workin our high-waisted shorts. This wouldn't be a problem if girls would realize how much of their body they are showing off. Administrators want to pull their hair out when they see young women wearing something that is so obviously screaming for a boys attention because, let's face it, most of the girls who break the dress code rules are doing exactly that. Girls should have good enough judgement not to have to be told what they can and can't wear. Due to the fact that our society is decreasing in good judgement and our latest fashion trends promote this, girls do sometimes need boundaries to their school attire. The thumb rule is a bit unnecessary and is a tad flexible. If your arms are long, sure the rule is unfair. In cases like these this rule can be flexible. If your shorts are barely covering your cheeks, then yes. Buy longer shorts. They're just trying as hard as they can to teach us young women to dress like we have some reserve and respect for our bodies. So if you don't think you dress inappropriately for school, then your find. Most girls should know if how they're dressing is appropriate for school. If you have to question if a teacher will comment on your lack of clothing, simply don't wear it to school if you don't want to hear it. Boys do need to learn how to control themselves in the real world, so these rules aren't teaching them that they need self-control too. There won't be an "evil ELA teacher" to walk you by the hand and cover your eyes when you see a girl walking around college campus wearing a spaghetti strapped shirt. In the real world, girls won't be told if boys will be "distracted" by their outfit and that they need to change. It certainly isn't fair that whats trending for the ladies isn't allowed at school, while the boys barely have any regulations what-so-ever. This issue calls for better judgement on both parties, not just the girls or the administrators. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6, 2014

Tell me about your weekend! If you don't have anything fun to share, tell me about the city you live in. What do you love about Kansas City? Do you have a favorite place in the city? Favorite team? :) Favorite event? Explain.

This weekend I spent so much time doing homework. I have barely any time to be social because I have so much homework. This year so far I've had more homework than I have over the past three years of high school. So my whole weekend was filled with lots of studying and lots of homework. My parents actually bought Royals tickets for last nights game, but they only bought two because they didn't want me to be "distracted from my studies." They love me so much. In that little social time I had, I went to church and youth group, but I also played with my dog. She's a great dane so they don't have winter coats at all so this cold weather is really freaking her out so when I was doing homework late Saturday night, she came and hopped up on my lap. That was basically the only exciting thing that happened to me this weekend. I know, it's sad. Very, very sad.